Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Getting back in the swing of things.

I've been back in Singapore for 3 days and I think it's been going better than expected. The heat and humidity haven't been too bad (although I think it's cos I stay indoors in the day and come out into the open at night). 

Apparently I have a hybrid accent which doesn't sound fully Singaporean or fully Australian, like some displaced person with no definite identity. Hmm. 

I've definitely come back at the right time - traveling on an Australian passport entitles me to Tourist shopping privileges....not huge discounts but definitely better than nothing. Haha, and also doesn't make me sound so directionally-challenged when I have to ask the information services staff how to get to the MRT station. 

The city keeps changing, buildings keep popping up everywhere. I feel quite lost within the city.

A few more weeks to go!

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